Péter Bencsik

Chief Innovation Officer
Pharmahungary Group

Business Expert Cardiology

Péter Bencsik received an MD diploma in 2003 and a PhD degree in 2008 from the University of Szeged, Hungary. He joined Pharmahungary in 2007. He gained research experience at the Institut für Pathophysiologie, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Univerity of Essen, Germany in 2005 and at Inserm U886, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Lyon, France in 2010. He published over 25 papers in international peer-reviewed journals with a cumulative impact factor over 88 and citations over 500.

Research Intrest

Hyperlipidemia, Hypercholesterolemia, Autacoid Pharmacology, Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, Molecular and Cellular Cardiology