Senior Management Team
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS
United Kingdom
Janusz is a member of the EsophAGeal (EAGLe) Consortia and Aspirin International Network (AspirIN). EAGLe is one of the most successful genomic consortia in gastroenterology. The consortia has collected over 70,000+ biospecimens allowing biomarkers of progression and prediction for patients with esophageal disease. Janusz has written about this project in a blog for the University Alliance.
Team Building. Professor Jankowski has a strong track record of building large, successful, multi-disciplinary international Research Teams including the Aspirin Esomerazole Chemoprevention Trial (AspECT), the Chemoprevention Of Pre-malignant Intestinal Neoplasia study (ChOPIN) and the EsophaGEal Gene Consortia (EAGLE). Personal Research. His personal Research expertise is in Basic Sciences, Biosciences, Translational Sciences including Genomics Clinical trials, Public Health and Systematic Evidence Based Delphi Reviews. Specific Expertise. Professor Janusz Jankowski leads one of the most successful clinical cancer prevention programmes in the UK on oesophageal cancer. Citations. He has an h-index of 60+ with 15,000+ citations (Google Scholar).