Musa Magomedov

Genenral director
avdiivka coke plant

Business Expert Business and Management

 The General Director Musa Magomedov is the operational manager of public joint stock company "Avdiivka Coke".Musa Sergoevich Magomedov was born in 1970 in the village Irib in  Charodinskiy region (Dagestan). He has two degrees: graduated from Donetsk Institute of Soviet Trade and the International Institute of Management (Kiev). Besides he completed the program for top managers of Metinvest Group in Moscow School of Management named Skolkovo.He has 14 years experience being in managing positions. Since 2003 he is busy in the production field. Since July 2005 he  was in charge of the Supervisory Council of JSC Zaporozhkoks. In 2009  Musa Sergoevich was assigned to a post of the General Director of  Zaporozhkoks. In 2011 he  won the national program Person of the Year» in the nomination Industrialist of the Year.On November 5, 2012 Musa Magomedov was assigned to a post of the General Director of PJSC Avdiivka Coke by  the Supervisory Board of PJSC Avdiivka Coke.

Research Intrest

 He is Intrested in the productional field and also intrested in new innovations in business

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management