The Kao Group has made the Kao Way, the Group's corporate philosophy, the foundation of all our corporate activities. Our mission is to enrich the lives of people globally and contribute to the sustainability of the world. Since the company's founding in 1887, Kao has been delivering unmistakable value to people everywhere. Our consumer products promote cleanliness, beauty and health, while our chemical products contribute to the development of diverse industries. In 2009, we unveiled the Kao Environmental Statement. By striving to reduce environmental impact across every aspect of business, and by constantly searching for sustainable raw materials, we are helping to conserve the natural environment and contribute to social sustainability. Fiscal 2017 is the first year of K20, the Kao Group Mid-term Plan for 2017-2020. Targeting even greater future growth, K20 is built around three commitments: to foster a distinctive corporate image; to maintain profitable growth; and to provide returns to all stakeholders. The environment, health, aging and hygiene are all key challenges, and Kao is tackling them by creating new value that leverages the Group's collective strengths. As we transform ourselves to drive change, Kao will remain attentive to people's needs and work to become a company that enjoys global support.