Founder, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Medical O
Pharmaceutical Science
Dr. Mark Kockx founded Histogenex Laboratories in 2001. At the University of Antwerp, Belgium, Dr. Kockx pioneered methodologies to elucidate apoptotic and cytostatic response of cancer patients after treatments with targeted therapies. His subsequent collaborations with global pharmaceutical companies led to the founding of Histogenex Laboratories. Dr. Kockx is an internationally recognized pathologist-scientist who has operated on the forefront of personalized medicine developments. He continues to lead initiatives to standardize biomarker analysis practices in addition to adapting novel technologies. Dr. Kockx has been extensively involved with the clinical trials that led to the approval of well-known targeted therapies such as EGFR, BRAF and MEK inhibitors. His current passions are two fold. He is introducing practices and workflows for next generation IHC, combining innovations of multiplex staining, quantification and image capture. He has also developed an Immunomics program, a state of the art biomarker program that supports the evolving and numerous needs of immunotherapy development.
Pharmaceutical science