Marco Gilmozzi, Vice President of the Confagriculture API (API), is the new Chairman of the FEAP, the European Federation of Aquaculture Producers. This was the result of the vote during the Presidential Meeting of the FEAP, held on 6 December in Brussels. Dr Gilmozzi, a graduate of Biological Sciences at La Sapienza University in Rome, works in the marine aquaculture sector, managing the production facilities of Orbetello (GR). Over 30 years of activity in the fisheries and aquaculture industry has collaborated in several research projects with leading Italian universities and research institutes. The European Federation of Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) is the unitary voice of the European aquaculture production sector and joins the national aquaculture associations in Europe. With 26 members from 22 countries across the European continent, FEAP represents a production of over two million tonnes of aquaculture products.
aquaculture industry and business development