Khalid Nabilsi

Chief Financial Officer
hikma pharmaceuticals

Business Expert Gastroenterology

Prior to assuming his current role, Khalid held several senior positions in the Hikma finance department including Corporate Vice President, Finance and was a key member of the IPO team in 2005. Following qualification as a CPA he held a variety of roles in financial accounting, reporting and financial advisory services, and with Atlas Investment Group (now AB Invest), where he was involved in mergers and acquisitions advisory services. Prior to Atlas, Khalid had managed several multinational audit engagements at  Arthur Andersen in Amman, Jordan. As Chief Financial Officer, Khalid has integrated several acquisitions into the financial reporting structure, developed the Group internal control framework and implemented new leverage arrangements to fund acquisitions and capital investment.   Khalid qualified as a US Certified Public Accountant and has an MBA from the University of Hull.   Other appointments:   Khalid is a founder of the Jordan Association for Management Accountants and a Board member of the Jordan Armed Forces and Security Apparatuses Credit Union.   Committee membership:   Executive Committee

Research Intrest
