John W. Kozarich

Intech Pharma

Business Expert Biomedical Sciences

 Dr. Kozarich has nearly 40 years of experience in the biopharmaceutical industry and academia. Dr. Kozarich currently serves as Chairman of Ligand Pharmaceuticals, and Chairman and President of ActivX Biosciences. Prior to his role at ActivX, Dr. Kozarich was Vice President at Merck Research Laboratories where he was responsible for a variety of drug discovery and development programs and external biotech collaborations. Dr. Kozarich previously held full professorships at the University of Maryland and Yale School of Medicine. He was named Director of the Year for 2014 by the Corporate Directors Forum, has been an American Cancer Society Faculty Research Awardee, and received the Distinguished Scientist Award of the San Diego Section of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Kozarich holds a B.S. in chemistry from Boston College and a Ph.D. in biological chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University.

Research Intrest

 Biosciences,Biological chemistry