John Castellani 

Non-Executive Directors
Financing department
hikma pharmaceuticals

Business Expert Gastroenterology

 John J. Castellani was President and Chief Executive Officer of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) from 2010 to 2015. Prior to that, he was the President and Chief Executive of Business Roundtable, an association of leading US company chief executives. During his career John has also held senior positions with Burson-Marsteller, Tenneco, Inc. and General Electric Corp., amongst others.   John holds a Bachelor of Science Degree (Biology) from Union College Schenectady, New York.   Other appointments:   John is a member of the board of trustees of The Johns Hopkins Medical System Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC. He is also a Director of 5th Port.   Committee membership:   Audit Committee CRE Committee (Chair from 19 May 2017) Remuneration Committee

Research Intrest
