
Chief Executive Officer
UCB Celltech,

Business Expert Microbiology

Jean-Christophe Tellier joined UCB in 2011. He became UCB’s Chief Executive Officer on January 1, 2015 after having successfully led UCB’s BioBrands and Solutions division as Executive Vice President. He is a member of the Board of Directors of UCB, a member of the Board of WELBIO (Walloon Institute for Life Lead Sciences) and of BIO (Biotechnology Industry Organization in the US) and of PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America). He is also VicePresident as well as a President-Elect of the Board of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Associations (EFPIA), Chairman of the Innovation Board Sponsored Committee (EFPIA) and Deputy Chair of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Governing Board Jean-Christophe Tellier joined UCB in 2011. He became UCB’s Chief Executive Officer on January 1, 2015 after having successfully led UCB’s BioBrands and Solutions division as Executive Vice President. He is a member of the Board of Directors of UCB, a member of the Board of WELBIO (Walloon Institute for Life Lead Sciences) and of BIO (Biotechnology Industry Organization in the US) and of PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America). He is also VicePresident as well as a President-Elect of the Board of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Associations (EFPIA), Chairman of the Innovation Board Sponsored Committee (EFPIA) and Deputy Chair of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Governing Board

Research Intrest
