Hofmann Volkhard

Business and Management
Zumtobel Group

Business Expert Business and Management

Mr. Hofmann has been a member of the Zumtobel Group AG Supervisory Board since 21 July 2017. His term of office extends up to the Annual General Meeting for the 2019/20 financial year. Dr. Volkhard Hofmann was born on 23 October 1952. After acquiring his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at Cologne University, he joined the Boston Consulting Group as a consultant in 1982 and was elected Partner and Managing Director in the minimum period of six years. During his time with the Boston Consulting Group, Mr. Hofmann founded and headed different practice groups and additionally held numerous international management positions. Mr. Hofmann has regularly advised the Zumtobel Group on a wide range of projects during the past 20 years.  Mr. Hofmann has been a member of the Zumtobel Group AG Supervisory Board since 21 July 2017. His term of office extends up to the Annual General Meeting for the 2019/20 financial year. Dr. Volkhard Hofmann was born on 23 October 1952. After acquiring his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at Cologne University, he joined the Boston Consulting Group as a consultant in 1982 and was elected Partner and Managing Director in the minimum period of six years. During his time with the Boston Consulting Group, Mr. Hofmann founded and headed different practice groups and additionally held numerous international management positions. Mr. Hofmann has regularly advised the Zumtobel Group on a wide range of projects during the past 20 years. 

Research Intrest

Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board of SMP AG Strategy Consulting, Düsseldorf, Chairman of the Management Board, Golfclub Meerbusch e.V. (honoary

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management