Eszter Fodor

Clinical Director
Clinical Pharmacology
Pharmahungary Group

Business Expert Cardiology

Eszter Fodor is a registered Pediatrician and Clinical Pharmacologist as well as Certified Physician of Health Economy and Health Management. She has worked as a pediatrician and as a sports medicine physician, and then joined large pharmaceutical companies Gedeon Richter Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi-Aventis, as a medical representative, project leader, and then world-wide CROs such as Quintiles and INC research, as a clinical operation manager. In 2009, she became the clinical director of Pharmahungary. She has more than 15 years of experience in managing clinical studies with drug, medical device and combination products from start-up to closure, in a wide range of therapeutic indications.

Research Intrest

Clinical pharmacology, Pediatrics,