Erika Segraves

Farmacore Biotechnology
French Polynesia


 Enthusiastic, driven, and organized biotechnology scientist with strong background in project management, enzymology, protein engineering, and analytical biochemistry.  Highly-motivated with excellent interpersonal & communication skills. Flexible and agile, lead new research effort that resulted in licensing key technology and new grant funding events.  

Research Intrest

 Extensive investigation of rate-limiting steps of enzyme mechanisms. *Experience with overexpression of recombinant enzymes in pro/eukaryotes. *Proficiency with small molecules, especially natural products, in Drug Discovery. *Highly organized and dedicated, thrives in a fast-paced team environment. *Enjoys problem solving, system optimization, and troubleshooting. *Ability to communicate effectively across many scientific disciplines.

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology