Dr. Ruti Alon

VBL Therapeutics

Business Expert Clinical Sciences

Ms. Ruth Alon is the Founder and CEO of Medstrada, Israel. Since 1997, Ms. Alon has served as a General Partner in Pitango Venture Capital. With close to 30 years of international experience in the high-tech medical industry, Ms. Alon heads the Life Sciences activities at Pitango and has led several of its portfolio companies to successful acquisitions, among them Disc-O-Tech, Colbar, Ventor and Optonol. Ms. Alon previously worked on Wall Street where she held senior positions with Montgomery Securities and Kidder Peabody & Co., as a senior medical device analyst. She also managed her own independent consulting business in San Francisco, providing broad-based services to early-stage companies and venture capitalists in the medical devices industry. Ms. Alon is the force behind the establishment in 2005 of ILSI, Israel Life Science Industry, a not-for-profit organization representing the mutual goals of approximately 700 Israeli life science companies. Ms. Alon is the current Chairperson of ILSI. Ms. Alon has a B.A. in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an M.B.A. from Boston University, and an M.S. from the Columbia University School of Physicians and Surgeons.

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Global Scientific Words in Clinical Sciences