Vice President and Marketing Manager
PhD in Medical Parasitology from the Gamaleja Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow. From 1995, after four years of postdoctoral research work at the Institute of Life Sciences of Hebrew University in Jerusalem was an assistant of manager of the biggest microbiological laboratory in Haifa, Israel and then a manager of the clinical Microbiology & Parasitology Division at the Microbiology Department of Asaf Harofeh Medical Center (an Israeli major hospital).
PhD in Medical Parasitology from the Gamaleja Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow. From 1995, after four years of postdoctoral research work at the Institute of Life Sciences of Hebrew University in Jerusalem was an assistant of manager of the biggest microbiological laboratory in Haifa, Israel and then a manager of the clinical Microbiology & Parasitology Division at the Microbiology Department of Asaf Harofeh Medical Center (an Israeli major hospital).