Christina is a senior sonographer at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in Madison, WI and serves as the sonographer representative for the UW-Madison RAD-AID Chapter. In addition to RAD-AID, Christina volunteers as a board member of the SDMS and the South Central Wisconsin Ultrasound Society (SCWUS). With the UW Wisconsin Madison RAD-AID Chapter, she made one trip to Nicaragua in February 2015 and hopes to travel to Laos in the future to continue volunteering her time to educate others in sonography. Her personal projects include creating ultrasound protocols for use in high volume clinical environments abroad, teaching endovaginal ultrasound techniques to family practice physicians in Nicaragua, and finding sustainable high-level disinfection options for use in resource limited settings to help expand and promote the safe use of endovaginal ultrasound.
Her main research interest is Sonography