Brian Bonner

Chief Editor of Kyiv Post
Kyiv Post

Business Expert Engineering

Brain Bonner became chief editor of the Kyiv post on june 9 2008. He also held in job in 1999, three years after first arriving  in Ukraine  to teach  journalism.  Bonner spent most of his  career  with the St. Paul Pioneer  Press  in Minnesota, where he  covered international, national  and local  news for more than  20 years  as a staff  writer  and assigning editor. He also worked as on election expert  on six  observation  missions  with the  Organization for security and  Cooperation  in Europe in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhsthan and Turkmenistan between 1999 and 2013.

Research Intrest

He is interested in journalism, hence worked to promote investigative journalism, journalism training and exchanges.

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