Amy Dunwoody

Physical Therapist
Unity Healthcare


Amy obtained her Physical Therapy degree from Indiana University. She received her national certification from LANA (Lymphology Association of North America) in 2005. At Lafayette Rehabilitation Services, Amy will work closing with patients of all ages with after lymph node removals due to cancer of the breast, head and neck, melanoma, sarcoma, colon, stomach, bladder and after radiation, trauma, reconstruction surgeries, etc. Amy has been a physical therapist for 19 years in the Greater Lafayette community. She specializes in working with patients with Lymphedema. Amy enjoys addressing the orthopedic and musculoskeletal issues that can arise during and after cancer treatments such as weakness, deconditioning and postural changes. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, traveling and spending time with her family especially watching her children participate in sports.

Research Intrest

Outpatient Physical & Occupational Therapy