Zhao Peng

Department of Geology
China University of Geosciences Beijing


"Zhao Peng large, born in 1931, Liaoning Qingyuan people. Professor in 1980, was elected in 1993 as the Chinese Academy of Sciences. PhD Tutor. Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Engineering, International Academy of Sciences Academy of Sciences, geological exploration scientist, mathematical geology. He graduated from the Department of Geology of Peking University in 1952 and graduated from the Moscow Institute of Geological Exploration in 1958 with a Ph.D. Has long been engaged in mineral survey and exploration, mathematical geology teaching and research work. (Wuhan) and the China University of Geosciences (Beijing), the president of the China University of Geosciences; the second, third and fourth members of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the convenor of the Geological Exploration, Mining and Petroleum Discipline Review Group Vice Chairman of China Geological Society, Director of Geological Education Research Branch of China Geological Society, Deputy Director of Mineral Exploration Committee, Honorary Director of Mathematical Geology Professional Committee, Member of the Seventh National People's Congress, Member of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee, Hubei Academic Degrees Committee Deputy director of the International Committee on Quantitative Strata Committee, IAMG magazine ""Nonrenable Resources (Nonrenewable Resources)"" editorial board and IAMG magazine ""computer and geosciences (Computers and Geosciences)"" editorial board, ""China University of Geosciences - Earth Science"" Director of the editorial board, representative of the International Geological Data Committee Asia, special member of the International Mathematical and Geological Society. "

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Zhao P, Rocha G, Yu B. The composite absolute penalties family for grouped and hierarchical variable selection. The Annals of Statistics. 2009 Dec 1:3468-97.
Hale CR, Zhao P, Olson S, Duff MO, Graveley BR, Wells L, Terns RM, Terns MP. RNA-guided RNA cleavage by a CRISPR RNA-Cas protein complex. Cell. 2009 Nov 25;139(5):945-56.
Zhao P, Yu B. On model selection consistency of Lasso. Journal of Machine learning research. 2006;7(Nov):2541-63.