Zhang Yongmin

Department of Chemical Engineering
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemical Engineering

Zhang Yongmin , male, born in August 1978 , Han nationality, Henan province Mianchi County people, Ph.D., researcher, doctoral tutor, the Ministry of education of the new century talents, Beijing high school youth excellence, school young academic top-notch talent, national excellent doctor Nominee Award winner. 2000 Nian 7 Yue graduated from the University of Petroleum (East China) chemical equipment and machinery, 2009 Nian 1 month by the China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Chemical Equipment & Process Control Professional Doctor of Engineering Science. Is now the China University of Petroleum (Beijing) School of Chemical Engineering process equipment teachers, where the subject for the power engineering and engineering thermophysics, the main research direction for the multi-phase flow reaction process strengthening and equipment. In recent years, presided over or participated in the project National Natural Science Foundation, 973 , the National Science and Technology Support Program, international cooperation and many other major research projects; won more than provincial and ministerial level scientific research awards 7 , including the national second prize 1 , And other awards 2 , two prize 3 , third prize 1 , was invented patent authorization 20 ; published more than 70 papers at home and abroad (including SCI included 30 , EI included 16 ).

Research Intrest

Chemical Engineering

List of Publications
Qian W, Jin E, Bao W, Zhang Y. Clean and Highly Selective Oxidation of Alcohols in an Ionic Liquid by Using an Ion‐Supported Hypervalent Iodine (III) Reagent. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2005 Jan 28;44(6):952-5.
Hakomori SI, Zhang Y. Glycosphingolipid antigens and cancer therapy. Chemistry & biology. 1997 Jan 1;4(2):97-104.