Zhang xin

Department of Chemical Engineering
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemical Engineering

Zhang Xin, male, doctor, professor, doctoral tutor. 1976 Born in Sichuan County, 1995-1999 years, Chemical Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, received a Bachelor of Engineering; 1999 - 2002 , Institute of Chemical Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Instructor: Professor Fu Ji full, a master's degree in engineering; 2002 - 2006 Tsinghua University chemistry Received a doctorate degree in science, mentor Professor Xu Baiqing. In July 2006 , he graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University. In September 2006 , he joined the Spanish Institute of Chemical Technology ( Instituto de Tecnología Química, UPV-CSIC ) Professor Avelino Corma Research Group engaged in postdoctoral research. In January 2009 , he was recruited to the State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil in China Petroleum University (Beijing) with the "Outstanding Overseas Talents Program". He was mainly engaged in the research of polyphase catalysis and homogeneous catalysis, including nano-catalysis , New catalytic materials and environmentally friendly catalytic chemistry. Preparation and catalytic properties of gold catalysts in new long-term design and nano structure of the catalyst, the catalyst committed to understanding the atomic structure in the molecule - effect relationship and the catalytic reaction mechanism, achieved excellent academic results: the first 1 author and corresponding author Angew Chem. Int. Ed. (3 Pian ), J. Catal. (4 Pian ), J. Mater. Chem. ( 5 Pian ), Nanoscale (2 Pian ), Nano Res. (4 Pian ), Appl. Catal., Chem . Mater., Small , Green Chem, Chem. Commun., Appl. Catal. B and other world-class academic journals published nearly 50 papers SCI papers , nearly 20 papers, total cited more than 1,000 times, he cited more than 800 times. The applicant is J. Am. Chem. Soc., J. Catal., J. Mater. Chem., ACS Catal. And so on. Major academic achievements in France, Spain, Japan and China held a number of academic conferences on academic lectures, attracted wide attention from peers. In 2004 , the first Young Scientist Prize was awarded by the International Union of Catalytic Associations ( IACS ) to commemorate the pioneering work in the study of the size effect of supported ZrO2 nanoparticles in Au / ZrO2 catalyzed CO oxidation . In 2009 , he was selected as the "New Century Excellent Talent Support Program" by the Ministry of Education. In 2009 , he won the second prize of the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education (winning project: oxide and nanocomposite "metal / oxide" catalyst research, third completion person). The Gold Scientist Prize was awarded at the 6th International Conference on International Science, Technology and Applications held in Tokyo, Japan in 2012. The Gold Scientist Prize was awarded by the World Gold Council from this conference to the world (once every three years, only one person at a time) - Outstanding Investigator ". Commitment to three National Natural Science Fund, a science and technology support program subproject of collaborative projects, the Ministry of Education doctoral guidance fund.

Research Intrest

Chemical Engineering

List of Publications
Bayer SA, Altman J, Russo RJ, Zhang X. Timetables of neurogenesis in the human brain based on experimentally determined patterns in the rat. Neurotoxicology. 1993;14(1):83.
Krogan NJ, Cagney G, Yu H, Zhong G, Guo X, Ignatchenko A, Li J, Pu S, Datta N, Tikuisis AP, Punna T. Global landscape of protein complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nature. 2006 Mar 30;440(7084):637.