ZHANG Konghai

master degree majoring in food engineering
food technology
Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry College

Academician Food and Nutrition

Born in 1964; master degree majoring in food engineering; main research orientation and achievements: food processing, food technology, food sensory evaluation, food storage and fresh, food industry management, modern food fermentation technology, food engineering principle, generality of the food processing technology. He published 5 books such as Food Factory Design, Processing of Aquatic Products, and Generality of Food Technology and 40 papers. One of his papers won the first prize of the Excellent Academic Papers in Xinyang. He completed 3 achievements in science researching programmes in Henan province. He has won the second prize of scientific and Technological Progress in Henan Province, a second prize of Scientific and Technological Progress in Xinyang.

Research Intrest

Food processing, food technology, food sensory evaluation, food storage and fresh, food industry management, modern food fermentation technology, food engineering principle, generality of the food processing technology.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition