Youssef Belkhadir

Gregor Mendel Institute for Molecular Plant Biology
Gregor Mendel Institute

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Dr Youssef Belkhadir is a Group Leader researching cell signaling at the interface of plant growth and defenses. Dr Belkhadir joined the GMI as a Group Leader in July 2014. Previously he was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Associate in the lab of Dr Joanne Chory at the SALK Institute for Biological Studies in the USA.

Research Intrest

Plant cell signalling at the interface of growth and defences.

List of Publications
Smakowska E, Kong J, Busch W, Belkhadir Y (2016) Organ-specific regulation of growth-defense tradeoffs by plants. Curr Opin Plant Biol 29: 129-137.
Belkhadir Y, Jaillais Y. (2015) The molecular circuitry of brassinosteroid signaling. New Phytol 206: 522-40.
Lozano-Duran R and Belkhadir Y. (2017) A technical framework for studying the signaling nexus of brassinosteroids and immunity. Methods Mol Biol 1564: 49-61.

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