Yin Hongfu

Department of Geology
China University of Geosciences Beijing


Yin Hongfu, born in 1935, Zhejiang Zhoushan people. Chinese Academy of Sciences, stratigraphy paleontologist, professor, doctor tutor. In 1956 graduated from the Beijing Institute of Geology, Department of Geological Prospecting, Department of Geology, 1961 graduate students graduated from the Beijing Institute of Geology paleo-biology. Former president of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), vice president of the Chinese Paleontology Society, deputy director of the State Education Commission Geological Teaching Steering Committee, the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources Paleontology Teaching Steering Committee, and "Journal of Paleontology", "Geological Science Translation" and "China Encyclopedia" (Paleontology Volume) "deputy editor. International Commission on Stratigraphy Triassic Branch, Chairman of the International Permian-Triassic Boundary Working Committee, and 359 Chairmen of the International Geological Contrast Program. Has published 13 monographs, 74 papers, of which 21 foreign language articles (kind). By his presided over or as a major participant to complete the achievements of scientific research by a number of awards, of which the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources Science and Technology Progress Award two prize 5, the State Education Commission scientific and technological progress second prize 1. In addition, the "Wuhan Science and Technology Rookie" title, the first Chinese Society of Paleontology Yin Zanxun Award, outstanding contributions of young and middle-aged experts, Li Siguang Geological Science Award, enjoy special government allowances of the State Council. National advanced workers, Hubei Province, a special model of labor.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Hongfu Y, Kexin Z, Qinglai F. The archipelagic ocean system of the eastern Eurasian Tethys. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 2004 Feb 1;78(1):230-6.
Hongfu Y. Palaeogeographical and stratigraphical distribution of the Lower Triassic Claraia and Eumorphotis (Bivalvia). Acta Geologica Sinica. 1981;55(3):161-9.