Yan Xiaojing

Department of Hematology
China Medical University

Academician Haematology

Yan Xiaojing, female China Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Department of Hematology, deputy director, professor, master tutor, Professor of Liaoning Province, Chinese Medical Association hematology branch of the young members of the Chinese Association of anti-cancer blood cancer professional committee of young people, Liaoning Medical Association hematology Vice chairman of the club and other academic part-time. In 2003, he received a master's degree from the China Medical University in 2003, and a Ph.D. from the Shanghai Institute of Hematology and the Department of Medical Genomics. He was a member of the Institute of Hematology and PhD in the Department of Pharmacy, Mechanisms, epigenetics and hematopoietic stem cell regulation mechanisms. In the Science (Science), Nature Genetics (Natural Genetics), PNAS (American Academy of Sciences Journal), Blood (blood) and other famous foreign publications published a number of academic articles, the total impact of more than 100 points, SCI cited the number of 1000 10, including the National Natural Science Foundation, 973 plan sub-topics, Fok Ying Tung institutions of higher learning youth teacher fund, including 10 research projects; Won the "Liaoning Province Medical Science and Technology Award First Prize", "Shanghai Natural Science Award Grand Prize", "National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation", "Shanghai Excellent Doctoral Dissertation", "National Special Program" young top-notch talent, The Ministry of Education of the new century talents "," Liaoning Province, high school outstanding scientific and technological personnel (a level) "," Shenyang youth post expert "," China Medical University First Affiliated Hospital top ten scientific and technological workers "honor and reward. He is currently a visiting scholar at Harvard Medical School and is working on hematopoietic stem cells.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Yang Y, Jiang J, Qimei L, Yan X, Zhao J, Yuan H, Qin Z, Wang M. The fungicidal terpenoids and essential oil from Litsea cubeba in Tibet. Molecules. 2010 Oct 13;15(10):7075-82.
Sun L, Zhu G, Zhao Y, Yan X, Mou S, Dovichi NJ. Ultrasensitive and fast bottom‐up analysis of femtogram amounts of complex proteome digests. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2013 Dec 16;52(51):13661-4.
Zhu G, Sun L, Yan X, Dovichi NJ. Single-Shot Proteomics Using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis–Electrospray Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Production of More than 1 250 Escherichia coli Peptide Identifications in a 50 min Separation. Analytical chemistry. 2013 Feb 13;85(5):2569-73.