Xu Chunming

Department of Chemistry
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemistry

Xu Chunming , male, born in February 1965 , Han nationality, Shandong Shouguang people, doctor of engineering, professor, doctoral tutor, vice president of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), national outstanding youth fund winner, national excellent teacher. Member of the Sixth Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, Deputy Director of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the Sixth Committee of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education. Deputy director of Beijing Petroleum Institute, deputy editor of Energy & Fuels . " OF S. & CHINA ( CHEMISTRY )", "Chinese Science (Chemistry)", "Chemical Technology", Fuel Chemistry and Technology, " Petroleum Science " magazine editorial. The main research areas are heavy oil chemistry and processing. Published four monographs , published more than 200 SCI papers ; authorized 20 international invention patents , more than 50 patents in China . National Science and Technology Progress Award 2 Xiang ; China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association Technological Invention special award 1 , provincial first prize 7 items.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Meng X, Xu C, Gao J, Li L. Studies on catalytic pyrolysis of heavy oils: Reaction behaviors and mechanistic pathways. Applied Catalysis A: General. 2005 Oct 10;294(2):168-76.
Liu Y, Shi Q, Zhang Y, He Y, Chung KH, Zhao S, Xu C. Characterization of red pine pyrolysis bio-oil by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and negative-ion electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Energy & Fuels. 2012 Jul 6;26(7):4532-9.

Global Scientific Words in Chemistry