XING Shujie

master degree major in food safety
food nutrition and safety
Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry College

Academician Food and Nutrition

born in 1971; master degree major in food safety; main research orientation and achievements: food nutrition and safety, food safety and quality control. She has won the second prize of the Scientific and Technological Progress of Henan Province, the second prize of the Xinyang Scientific and Technological Progress, and the second prize of Henan Colleges and Universities Teaching Achievement. He undertook 5 science projects in Henan province, published more than 50 papers including more than 35 which were published in core periodicals of China. He has published 9 textbooks such as Enzyme Engineering, Animal Products Processing Technology, Modern Food Testing Techniques, and Food Safety and Biological Technology.

Research Intrest

food nutrition and safety, food safety and quality control.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition