Xie Qingbin

Department of Geology
China University of Petroleum


Xie Qingbin male, Dancheng County, Henan Province, born in November 1966. Doctoral, associate professor, master tutor, vice president of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Earth Science College. In 1990 and 1993, he graduated from the Graduate School of Petroleum University with a bachelor's and master's degree in mineral survey and exploration, and received a doctorate from China University of Mining and Technology. Since 1993, he has been working at the University of Petroleum (Beijing). Mainly engaged in sedimentology (including paleogeography), reservoir geology, sequence stratigraphy and oil and gas geology and other aspects of research work and crystallography, crystal optics, mineral petrology, oil lithology and palaeogeography and other teaching work. Beijing excellent course "rock mineralogy" teacher, China University of Petroleum outstanding teachers, in the deposition of geology, sequence stratigraphy and reservoir geology and other aspects of cooperation published more than 40 academic papers and 4 teaching materials, access to 3 Provincial and ministerial level science and technology awards.

Research Intrest

Mainly engaged in sedimentology (including paleogeography), reservoir geology, sequence stratigraphy and oil and gas geology and other aspects of research work and crystallography, crystal optics, mineral petrology, oil lithology and palaeogeography.

List of Publications
Qingbin X, Xiaomin Z, Qingxi H, Fanghong C, Guiwen W. Depositional Sequence of Storm Siliceous Rock in Wumishan Formation, West Mountain, Beijing, China. ACTA SEDIMENTOLOGICA SINICA. 1997:03.
Xizhe L, Shourui G, Qingbin X, Zecheng W. The oncoids genesis in the Middle Member of the Guanzhuang Formation of Eocene in Pingyi Basin [J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica. 2000;2:015.