Weimin Feng

Assistant Professor
Valdosta State University


Dr. Weimin Feng,PhD, Assistant Professor of Geosciences, PhD in Geology from Southern Methodist University. Teaches Landforms, Geohazards, Geochemistry, Geostatistics, and Mineralogy.

Research Intrest

My research interests are paleoclimate models. My research aims to acquire new terrestrial paleoclimate records, develop new paleoclimate proxies, and calibrate existing ones. I use isotope tools to study materials formed in the low-temperature, near surface environments such as paleosols and speleothems.

List of Publications
Feng, W., and Yapp, C.J. (2009) 18O/16O and D/H Ratios of Pedogenic Kaolinite in a North American Cenomanian Laterite: Paleoclimatic Implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 73, 6249-6263
Feng, W., Banner, J., Guilfoyle, A., Musgrove, M., and James, E.W. (2012) Oxygen isotopic fractionation between drip water and speleothem calcite: A 10-year monitoring study, central Texas, USA. Chemical Geology. Vol. 304-305, 53-67
Feng, W., Casteel, R.C., Banner, J., and Ayla Heinze-Fry (2014) Oxygen isotope variations in rainfall, drip-water and speleothem calcite from a well ventilated cave in Texas, USA: Assessing a new speleothem temperature proxy Geochimica, Cosmochimica, Acta. Vol. 127, 233-250