Wei Minjie

Department of Pharmacology
China Medical University


Wei Minjie, Dean of School of Pharmacy, Director of Department of Pharmacology; National Second Professor (Special Professor of China Medical University) / Doctoral Supervisor / University of Chicago Postdoctoral. In the group of "million people plan" national teaching teacher, the State Council special stickers, provincial teaching teacher, the province of Distinguished Professor, the provincial outstanding experts, hundreds of millions of talent projects hundreds of people and other honorary title. Liaoning Province, the key disciplines "pharmacology" academic leaders, Liaoning Province, the general college undergraduate key support professional "clinical pharmacy" professional person in charge, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine research laboratory Chinese medicine pharmacology three laboratory head, Liaoning Province "Molecular targeted anti-tumor drug pharmacology research and evaluation of key laboratories," responsible person, Liaoning Province clinical pharmacy virtual simulation experimental teaching center, Liaoning Province, "clinical teaching experimental teaching demonstration center" responsible person, Liaoning province higher school "based on Multi-target personalized biomarkers and innovative drug pharmacology research "innovation team leader, Liaoning Province, the third batch of" higher school docking industry cluster collaborative innovation base "responsible person; national boutique resource sharing course" pharmacology "responsible person / Province boutique course "pharmacology" responsible person / provincial boutique course "pharmacokinetics" responsible person. Part of the Chinese Pharmacological Society and the Chinese Pharmacological Society of the deputy director of the professional committee of a number of academic part-time, the national drug review experts, as the executive chairman of the first, third session of the three international pharmacological conference, as the organizers of the Organizing Committee The 15th National Conference on Cancer Pharmacology and Chemotherapy. Mainly engaged in molecular tumor pharmacology, neuropharmacology and pharmacogenomics research, has undertaken with the National Natural Science Foundation 7, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the major sub-topics 4, including all kinds of vertical research topics more than 30; research papers Published in the "Cancer Research", "Cancer cell" and other well-known academic journals at home and abroad more than 200 articles, of which nearly 70 papers included in the SCI, the impact of the sum of> 200, cited more than 1500 times; research results by the Ministry of Education, Liaoning Provincial science and technology progress prize two and other five awards; apply for national invention patents 12. Guidance of graduate students more than the provincial outstanding academic thesis, undergraduate students to guide the National College Students Innovation Forum and experimental design contest first prize, second prize and other 10 items. Commitment to the Chinese Medical Association, including education and research topics, including 12 subjects; by the Chinese Medical Association Education Branch teaching achievement prize two and other seven; to participate in national planning materials and monographs 27, which editor "13 · five" countries Level of teaching materials - "pharmacology", "clinical pharmacology" and other 8.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Li YC, Kong J, Wei M, Chen ZF, Liu SQ, Cao LP. 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 is a negative endocrine regulator of the renin-angiotensin system. The Journal of clinical investigation. 2002 Jul 15;110(2):229.
Zhao H, Wang Z, Wu H, Xiao Q, Yao W, Wang E, Liu Y, Wei M. STAT3 genetic variant, alone and in combination with STAT5b polymorphism, contributes to breast cancer risk and clinical outcomes. Medical Oncology. 2015 Jan 1;32(1):375.

Global Scientific Words in Pharmaceutical Sciences