Wang Gang

Department of Chemical Engineering
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemical Engineering

Wang Gang, male, born in 1975 , Han nationality, doctor of engineering, researcher, selected in the Ministry of education in 2013, "New Century Talent Program", doctoral tutor. 1997 Nian 6 Yue graduated from Zhengzhou University, 2006 Nian 12 month by the China University of Petroleum (Beijing) PhD in Chemical Engineering and Technology. It is a member of the Department of Chemical Technology, a member of the Academic Committee of the Chemical Engineering Institute, where the discipline is chemical engineering and technology. The main research direction is 1) Heavy oil processing and cleaning utilization, 2) Fluidized catalytic process and catalyst, 3) Biomass energy Transformation and utilization , 4) molecular refining and new materials. In recent years , the National Natural Science Foundation of China has sponsored four projects and two international cooperation projects with Shell, five projects of China Petroleum Research and Development Project, as the main research backbone participated in two national "973" project, a major national science and technology support project, 1 National Natural Fund key projects, more than 10 provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects and two international cooperation projects. Eligible invention patents 24 ; published papers abroad 112 articles (wherein SCI included 64 over articles, EI included 94 articles, citations . 8 . 5 7), eds monographs . 1 book.

Research Intrest

Chemical Engineering

List of Publications
Cao T, Wang G, Han W, Ye H, Zhu C, Shi J, Niu Q, Tan P, Wang E, Liu B, Feng J. Valley-selective circular dichroism of monolayer molybdenum disulphide. Nature communications. 2012 Jun 6;3:887.
Soutschek J, Akinc A, Bramlage B, Charisse K, Constien R, Donoghue M, Elbashir S, Geick A, Hadwiger P, Harborth J, John M. Therapeutic silencing of an endogenous gene by systemic administration of modified siRNAs. Nature. 2004 Nov 11;432(7014):173-8.