Victoria Ashley Anderson

Research Associate
Soil and Crop Sciences
Colorado State University
United States of America


Victoria Ashley Anderson is Research Associate in department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University. She has completed her PhD in Plant breeding and genetics from Colorado State University. She has done her MS in Plant breeding and genetics from Colorado State University. 

Research Intrest

Victoria Ashley Anderson research focuses on Plant breeding, genetics and molecular biology.

List of Publications
Valdez VA, Byrne PF, Lapitan NLV, Peairs FB, Bernardo A, et al. (2012) Inheritance and genetic mapping of Russian wheat aphid resistance in Iranian wheat landrace accession PI 626580. Crop Sci 52: 676-682.
Ostlie M, Haley SD, Anderson V, Shaner D, Manmathan H (2015) Development and characterization of mutant winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accessions resistant to the herbicide quizalofop. Theor Appl Genet 128: 343-351.