Academic Technician
Computational Genomics Program
Center for Genomic Sciences
He studied Engineering in Communications and Electronics at the National Polytechnic Institute, Culhuacán Professional Unit. In 1995, he entered the Laboratory of Computational Biology of the CIFN, which is now known as the Computational Genomics Program of the Center for Genomic Sciences. From the beginning, its activities have been those related to the administration of computer systems and networks, and has acquired new challenges according to technological evolution. Vic, as he is amicably called by most of his colleagues, maintains constant communication with the computer environment in order to provide the best solutions that emerge from information technologies. His work related to the administration of servers, the network of data, acquisition of new equipment and support to the users is of his main interest. Its objectives are to provide a quality of service that meets the needs in information technologies and to acquire new forms of work disciplined according to international standards. He always thanks all the direct and indirect benefits to the most distant point in its origin by the things received. He is considered very fortunate by the capital letters such as his wife Socorrito and his sons Ber-nabe and Hans.