Tom Brandeis

Supervisory Research Forester
Department of Agriculture
Pacific Southwest Research Station
United States of America


Coordinate the remeasurement of long-term forest monitoring plots in the El Yunque National Forest with the International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Describe tropical forest structure, stand dynamics, species composition, tree growth, mortality and removals using data collected during present and previous forest inventories for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Remeasurement and trend assessment in urban forest structure and dynamics in the San Juan Bay Estuary watershed, in collaboration with Dr. Wayne Zipperer, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station's Centers for Urban and Interface Forestry, and Drs. Francisco Escobedo and Christina Lynn Staudhammer, University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation. Recent international cooperation includes: Preparing and editing forest status reports for the UN FAO's 2005, 2010 and 2015 Global Forest Resource Assessments Serving as a SilvaCarbon forest inventory and monitoring expert in Viet Nam, particularly in organizing technical transfer activities Hosting forest inventory study tours in the U.S. for groups from South and Central America Leading a team that created a forest inventory data analysis short course that has been taught in Honduras and Viet Nam Additional forest inventory consulting and technical exchange activities in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and India

Research Intrest

Forest Inventory and Analysis

List of Publications
Brandeis, Thomas; Zarnoch, Stanley; Oswalt, Christopher; Stringer, Jeffery. 2017. The lack of adequate quality assurance/quality control data hinders the assessment of potential forest degradation in a national forest inventory.
Nowak, David J.; Bodine, Allison R.; Hoehn, Robert E.; Edgar, Christopher B.; Riley, Gretchen; Hartel, Dudley R.; Dooley, Kerry J.; Stanton, Sharon M.; Hatfield, Mark A.; Brandeis, Thomas J.; Lister, Tonya W. 2017. Houston’s Urban Forest, 2015.
Brandeis, T.J.; Hartsell, A.J.; Brandeis, C. 2017. Forests of Virginia, 2015.