Tiziano Manca

Orpheus Institute

Academician General Science

Born in Squinzano (Italy) in 1970, Tiziano Manca attended the Faculty of Philosophy and the Conservatory in Florence, studying Electronic Music and Composition by Romano Pezzati and Salvatore Sciarrino. He completed his degree in Composition receiving a grant from the Foundation Federico del Vecchio. He undertook also further studies in Conducting by Piero Bellugi.

Research Intrest

His work includes both instrumental and vocal music in various formations (solo, voice and instruments, music theatre, choir a cappella).

List of Publications
Vezzani A, Manca T, Benassi F, Gallingani A, Spaggiari I, Brusasco C, Corradi F, Gherli T. Diagnostic value of chest ultrasound after cardiac surgery: A comparison with chest X-ray and auscultation. Critical Care. 2014 Mar 17;18(1):P130.
Tsialtas D, Bolognesi R, Beghi C, Albertini D, Bolognesi MG, Manca C, Gherli T. Stented versus stentless bioprostheses in aortic valve stenosis: effect on left ventricular remodelling. InThe heart surgery forum 2006 Dec (Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. E205-10).
Nicolini F, Agostinelli A, Vezzani A, Manca T, Benassi F, Molardi A, Gherli T. The evolution of cardiovascular surgery in elderly patient: a review of current options and outcomes. BioMed research international. 2014 Apr 10;2014.

Global Scientific Words in General Science