Tessa Conroy

Agriculture and Applied economics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States of America

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Professor Tessa Conroy persued her Ph.D. in  Economics, Fall 2014 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO and her B.B.A., Business Administration, May 2009 Gonzaga University, Spokane WA, she studied regional economic development with a commitment to developing practical and actionable knowledge for communities in Wisconsin and the rest of the U.S, her research focuses on small business dynamics as a key component of local economic growth, including the factors that drive entrepreneurship and business survival,studied entrepreneurship and business outcomes, and become more and more interested understanding the gender gap in business development and performance

Research Intrest

Regional economic development, community development, entrepreneurship, and small business dynamics

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture