Tan Kean Chye

Department of Family Medicine
Penang Medical College

Academician Medicine

"Dr. Tan Kean Chye joined Penang Medical College in the year 2011 as lecturer in the Department of Family Medicine. Apart from his usual roles in teaching and guiding students undergoing training in the Family Medicine rotation, he is also involved in the training of students in the clinical skills unit. Dr. Tan has keen interest in the field of medical simulation, where he conducts simulation exercise for students mainly in medical emergencies. Dr. Tan is also a Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support Instructor. He conducts training for Health Care Providers under Penang CPR Society. During his free time, he actively volunteers for St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, by conducting training courses and offering his services for members and the public."

Research Intrest

Medical simulation, Clinical skills, Depression, anxiety and stress levels amongst high school and undergraduate students.

List of Publications
Tan, S.B.K., Shuy, E.B., Chua, L.H.C. and Yee, W.K. (2007) Studies on groundwater recharge characteristics at a reclaimed land site with an equatorial climate using time‐series and spectral analyses. Hydrological processes 21: 939-948
Tan SB, Shuy EB, Chua LH (2007) Modelling hourly and daily open‐water evaporation rates in areas with an equatorial climate. Hydrological processes 21:486-99.