Susan S Bazyk

Health Sciences
Cleveland State University
United States of America

Academician General Science

"Susan Bazyk is a professor in the Occupational Therapy Program. She has been an occupational therapist for over 30 years and has taught at CSU since 1984 primarily in the area of pediatric practice. Specific areas of teaching include: mental health promotion, prevention and intervention with children & youth, school-based practice, and occupation-based practice. She is the Project Director of an Ohio Department of Education funded initiative, Every Moment Counts: Promoting Mental Health Throughout the Day (since 2012). This project has focused on building capacity of occupational therapy practitioners and school personnel to address the mental health needs of all students and has developed, implemented and evaluated model programs and embedded strategies focusing on mental health promotion - Comfortable Cafeteria, Refreshing Recess and OT Leisure Coaching. Refer to the Every Moment Counts website to access and use resources for implementation at In 2002, Dr. Bazyk launched a service learning program designed to address the play/leisure and social-emotional needs of low-income urban youth attending after-school care in Central Cleveland - the Occupational Therapy Groups for HOPE (Healthy Occupations for Positive Emotions). This program is offered each year to approximately 70 children. Research interests focus on issues related to children's mental health and participation in meaningful occupation, practice issues in school and community contexts, creativity & health, and occupational therapy education. See"

Research Intrest

"Pediatric Occupational Therapy - Children's mental health - Sensory processing intervention - School-based practice - Occupation-based practice"

List of Publications
Bazyk S (2006) Creating occupation-based social skills groups in after-school care. Occup Ther Prac 11: 13-18
Bazyk S, & Bazyk J (2009) The meaning of occupational therapy groups for low-income youth: A phenomenological study. A J Occup Ther 6: 69-80
Bazyk S, Gordon R, Haines J, Percociante M, & Glorioso M (2010) Service Learning: The Process of Doing and Becoming an Occupational Therapist. Occ Ther Heal 24: 171-187

Global Scientific Words in General Science