Susan J. Birren

Dean of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Neurobiolo
Life Sciences
Brandeis University
United States of America

Academician Neurology

Professor Susan J. Birren, Dean of Brandeis University's College of Arts and Sciences, is an internationally recognized researcher in developmental neurobiology who studies how developing nerve cells respond to the local environment to create the nervous system. Dean Birren is affiliated with the National Center for Behavioral Genomics and the Volen Center for Complex Systems. Dean Birren received her Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry from the University of California at Los Angeles and did post-doctoral work at the California Institute of Technology, where she studied the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the development of the mammalian nervous system.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Rosado M, Barber CF, Berciu C, Feldman S, Birren SJ, Nicastro D, Goode BL. Critical roles for multiple formins during cardiac myofibril development and repair. Molecular biology of the cell. 2014 Mar 15;25(6):811-27.
Kreipke RE, Birren SJ. Innervating sympathetic neurons regulate heart size and the timing of cardiomyocyte cell cycle withdrawal. The Journal of physiology. 2015 Dec 1;593(23):5057-73.
Habecker BA, Anderson ME, Birren SJ, Fukuda K, Herring N, Hoover DB, Kanazawa H, Paterson DJ, Ripplinger CM. Molecular and cellular neurocardiology: development, and cellular and molecular adaptations to heart disease. The Journal of physiology. 2016 Jul 15;594(14):3853-75.