Stacy Clark

Research Forester
Department of Agriculture
Pacific Southwest Research Station
United States of America


My research primarily centers on artificial regeneration (i.e., planting) of oak (Quercus) and American chestnut (Castanea dentata). I use pedigreed material to test genetic or breeding effects on nursery seedling quality and field performance after planting. Silvicultural treatments, including prescribed burning, herbicide treatments, and commercial timber operations, are tested to develop the most effective and economically efficient prescriptions that can be used to regenerate oak and American chestnut species through planting.

Research Intrest

Research Topics Invasive Species Resource Management and Use Priority Areas Climate Change Forest Disturbances Watershed Management and Restoration SRS Science Area Forest Threats Restoration and Management

List of Publications
Varner, Julian (Morgan); Arthur, Mary; Clark, Stacy; Dey, Daniel C.; Hart, Justin; Schweitzer, Callie. 2016. Fire in Eastern North American Oak Ecosystems: Filling the Gaps.
Case, Ashley E.; Mayfield, Albert (Bud); Clark, Stacy L.; Schlarbaum, Scott E.; Reynolds, Barbara C. 2016. Abundance and frequency of the Asiatic oak weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and defoliation on American, Chinese, and hybrid chestnut ( Castanea ).
Pinchot, Cornelia C.; Schlarbaum, Scott E.; Clark, Stacy L.; Saxton, Arnold M.; Sharp, Ami M.; Schweitzer, Callie J.; Hebard, Frederick V. 2017. Growth, survival, and competitive ability of chestnut (Castanea Mill.) seedlings planted across a gradient of light levels.