Sofia Avnet

Orthopaedic Rizzoli Institute

Academician Pathology

Editorial Board member of the Journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. Reviewer: International Journal of Cancer, Cancer Letter, Future Medicinal Chemistry, eCells and Materials Journal, BMC Cancer, Cancer Research, Cell cycle, Oncotarget. Author of 46 scientific papers published on Pubmed and Scopus. Total number of citations: >700 (Scopus); >1000 (Google Scholar). Total IF: 183,4. H-index: 15 (Scopus), 17 (Google Scholar). Author of 2 book chapters; 8 lectures upon invitation, over 80 conference communications.

Research Intrest

Orthopedic pathophysiology and regenerative medicine

List of Publications
Granchi D, Amato I, Battistelli L, Ciapetti G, Pagani S, Avnet S, Baldini N, Giunti A. Molecular basis of osteoclastogenesis induced by osteoblasts exposed to wear particles. Biomaterials. 2005 May 31;26(15):2371-9.
Patanè S, Avnet S, Coltella N, Costa B, Sponza S, Olivero M, Vigna E, Naldini L, Baldini N, Ferracini R, Corso S. MET overexpression turns human primary osteoblasts into osteosarcomas. Cancer research. 2006 May 1;66(9):4750-7.
Avnet S, Sciacca L, Salerno M, Gancitano G, Cassarino MF, Longhi A, Zakikhani M, Carboni JM, Gottardis M, Giunti A, Pollak M. Insulin receptor isoform A and insulin-like growth factor II as additional treatment targets in human osteosarcoma. Cancer research. 2009 Mar 15;69(6):2443-52.