Barry University
United States of America
Silvia Maciá has been conducting research in various areas of marine biology since her senior year as an undergraduate at the University of Miami, where she assisted in a research project on the crustacean communities living within shallow-water sponges. Hours spent identifying and counting hundreds of tiny shrimp under the microscope did not dampen her enthusiasm for the subject, and after completing her undergraduate degree she began graduate school. Her dissertation research focused on the community ecology of seagrass beds, particularly the role of sea urchins. Dr. Maciá’s love of all things marine led her to work with many different species and habitats over the years, including: foraging behavior of seagrass fishes, the role of sea urchins on coral reefs, the reproduction and ecology of sea-urchin associated shrimp, and flying squid. She is currently researching mating behaviors of pipefishes. Her research program involves both field and laboratory work and has involved several undergraduate students. Dr. Maciá shares her diverse experiences in marine biology with students in various classes such as marine biology, ecology, environmental science, and introductory biology for non-majors.
pipefish mating behavior seagrass community ecology coral reef grazing ecology seagrass restoration