Sergii Mytrofanov

University of Nottingham


Sergii Mytrofanov works in field of Pre-clinical and clinical studies. He has experience in development and improvement of ectoparasite culture cultivation methods. He has up to 10 scientific publications and two authorship certificates. He is Parasitologist, Head of Parasito-logical department of ACRO Vet Lab, Ukraine. From 2004-2010, he studied at National Ag-ricultural University (later was renamed to National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine) where he received a Specialty of Veterinary Medicine Doctor. During 2010, he worked at State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and Microorganisms of Ukraine as leading Veterinary Medicine Doctor. From 2011-2013, he pursued his Post-graduation in Parasitological department of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine NULES of Ukraine. He has up to 10 scientific publications and two authorship certificates. Sergii Mytrofanov works in field of Pre-clinical and clinical studies. He has experience in development and improvement of ectoparasite culture cultivation methods. He has up to 10 scientific publications and two authorship certificates. He is Parasitologist, Head of Parasito-logical department of ACRO Vet Lab, Ukraine. From 2004-2010, he studied at National Ag-ricultural University (later was renamed to National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine) where he received a Specialty of Veterinary Medicine Doctor. During 2010, he worked at State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and Microorganisms of Ukraine as leading Veterinary Medicine Doctor. From 2011-2013, he pursued his Post-graduation in Parasitological department of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine NULES of Ukraine. He has up to 10 scientific publications and two authorship certificates.

Research Intrest


Global Scientific Words in Pharmaceutical Sciences