Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics (MOVE)
Sergi Basco is Assistant Professor in Universidad Carlos III. He received his PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2010. The thesis committee were Daron Acemoglu (MIT), Pol Antràs (Harvard) and Ricardo Caballero (MIT). He received his BA and MSc in Economics (with honours) from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Basco's research and teaching fields are international economics and macroeconomics. His work focusses on understanding the effects of the new globalization. He is also interested in investigating the origin and consequences of asset price bubbles and, more broadly, the macroeconomic effects of changes in the credit supply. His work has been published in Journal of International Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization and Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. His recent working papers can be found in the link. He has also collaborated in The Wall Street Journal and has contributed in Vox (CEPR's Policy Portal). He is married and lives in Barcelona
Credit Supply and Economic Growth, Trade and Inequality, The World Income Distribution