Professor of Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing at faculty of nursing Ain Shams University. Coordinator for quality of education and heath services diploma at faculty of nursing Ain Shams University. Auditing and technical support manager of Quality Assurance Center of Ain Shams University. Peer reviewer at the National Academics Quality Assurance Organization. Member of promotion committee at the Supreme Councile of Universties. Manager of Quality assurance unit in Faculty of Nursing/ Ain Shams University. Manager of Education Development Center in Faculty of Nursing/ Ain Shams University “EDC”. Manager of Faculty Development Project, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University (UDFP). Professor at Maternal and Neonatal Nursing department Ain Shams University(2002-to-date) responsible for organizing and teaching Maternal and neonatal Nursing for undergraduates, masters and doctoral students, conducting research, giving directions to students in preparing masters and doctorate thesis . Professor at academic medical military, responsible for teaching the post graduates students total quality management, research methodology and supervise students during the development of research thesis (2003-2008) Associate professor at nursing schools (1997-2002) responsible for teaching students maternity nursing. Consultant at Catalyst Tahseen project (USAID funded project) (2003) responsible about up-dating both nursing school family planning curriculum and teacher guide. Consultant at Ain Shams Regional Training Center (R.C.T) (1996 – 2011) implementing reproductive health, infection control and management training programs for health team. Short term consultant at JOHN SNOW inter national task 1(2000 -2001) implementing infection control programs. Consultant at RCT Working with cooperation of both DT2, and Healthy Mother Healthy Child (1999-2002) to develop three weeks informal educational program for compacting anemia of adolescent (both Arabic and English languish) and to train 60 health educators at each of the selected Egyptian governorates (Aswan, Louxor, Qena, Baney Swif and El Fayoum).Then responsible about developing and implementing the refreshing course for the health educators in the same governorates. Consultant at JOHN SNOW task 9(for two weeks at2001) working as narrator in the videotape used to train schools headmasters and teachers about using the informal education when working with adolescent to compact anemia. Short term Consultant at the Consultation Office for Training and Researches DTRC (2000 -2001) worked as principle investigator in the study done to evaluate the impact of ministry of health and population basic family planning / reproductive health training on service provider’s performance. Responsible to develop research tools used to assess nurse’s knowledge and performance in the area of reproductive health (questionnaire sheet and observation checklists) as well train and supervise data collectors, holding the in-depth interviews and led the dissemination of the findings to the decision maker at ministry of health and population. Short term Consultant at Plan International & DTRC (for one month at 1999) responsible about designing and implementing training program on family planning applied to community leaders. Consultant at AVSC inter national USAID funded project concerned about different aspects of reproductive health. (1996-1999) Worked as program officer then promoted to project monitor responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring program activities in the areas of family planning, infection control, and counseling. Lecturer /Maternal and Neonatal Nursing department Faculty of nursing Ain Shams University (1996-2001).
maternity nursing, Nursing, health training