Lecturer in Information Sciences and Communication
Information Sciences and Communication
Cergy-Pontoise University

Academician Engineering

Romain Badouard is a lecturer at the University of Cergy-Pontoise and a researcher at the AGORA laboratory. His research focuses on opinion movements, mobilizations and political participation on the internet. It participates or has participated in various research projects related to the political and cultural stakes of digital: analysis of reactions on the web and social networks following the attacks of 2015 (ASAP / CNRS project), online journalistic practices RSN / ANR), media coverage of European issues (LEMEL / UCP -CNRS project), digital writing (PRECIP / UTC project), cartography of controversies (FORCCAST / Sciences Po program), electoral campaigns Of the Internet (Vox Internet / ANR program). He is responsible for the "Journalism, Publishing, Communication" course in the Bachelor of Arts and Humanities and teaches courses on the sociopolitical stakes of digital, media analysis and journalism in Gennevilliers. Online survey methods. He is co-editor-in-chief of the journal Participations , a social science journal on democracy and citizenship, and a member of the editorial board of the journal Hermès .

Research Intrest

- Public Opinion (s), Citizen Participation and Collective Action Online - Media, controversies and public debate - Government, Power and Technology Affiliation to research networks: -members of the DEL (Electronic Democracy / UPEC) network - member of the scientific interest group "Democracy and Participation" - member of the French Society of Information and Communication Sciences - member of the French Association of Political Science

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