Robert Sekuler

Professor of Psychology and Professor of Neuroscie
Brandeis University
United States of America

Academician Psychiatry

Robert Sekuler presently working as Professor of Psycology, Professor of Neuro Science at Brandeis University, holds the Ph.D and M.S from Brown University, and B.A from Brandeis University. Expertise Visual perception. Cognitive processes, especially EEG assays of cognition. Visual and auditory memory, audiovisual interaction and competition, research-oriented video games, and age-related changes in cognitive function. Awards and Honors Elected to membership in the Society of Experimental Psychologists (2016) Co-Pi, CELEST, NSF-funded Science of Learning Center (2011) Member, Board of Trustees, New England College of Optometry (2006 - 2011) Member, NSF Center for Excellence in Learning, Education, Science & Technology, Boston University (2005) Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (1992 - 1993) Chair, Working Group on Aging workers and Visual Impairment, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (1985) Chair, Committee on Vision, National Academy of Sciences/National ResearchCouncil (1983 - 1985) Chair, Working Group on Vision and Aging, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (1979 - 1982) National Science Foundation Advisory Panel on Sensory Physiology and Perception (1974 - 1977)

Research Intrest

Visual perception, Cognitive processes, Visual and auditory memory, audiovisual interaction and competition, research-oriented video games, and age-related changes in cognitive function.

List of Publications
Aizenman AM, Gold JM, Sekuler R. Multisensory integration in short-term memory: Musicians do rock. Neuroscience. 2017 Apr 29.
Sun Y, Hickey TJ, Shinn-Cunningham B, Sekuler R. Catching audiovisual interactions with a first-person fisherman video game. Perception. 2016 Jul:0301006616682755.
Maharjan S, Gold JM, Sekuler R. Memory and learning for visual signals in time and space. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2017 May 1;79(4):1107-22.