Renu Kaur

assistant prof
Pathology and Cell Biology
Columbia University Medical Center
United States of America

Academician Pathology

Renu Kaur Virk, Assistant Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology at CUMC

Research Intrest

She have been actively involved in clinical and translational research which includes thyroid cancer particularly papillary thyroid carcinoma. My research has been focused on genotype-phenotype correlations of papillary carcinoma of thyroid.

List of Publications
Prasad ML, Vyas M, Horne MJ, Virk RK, Morotti R et al. (2016) High Prevalence of Kinase Fusion Oncogenes in Pediatric Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Northeast United States of America. Cancer.
"Moghaddam PA, Virk R, Sakhdari A, Prasad ML, Cosar EF et al. (2016) Five Top Stories in Thyroid Pathology (Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma). Arch Pathol Lab Med. 140 :158-70 "
"Panaccione A, Chang MT, Carbone BE, Guo Y, Moskaluk CA et al. 2016 NOTCH1 and SOX10 are Essential for Proliferation and Radiation Resistance of Cancer Stem-Like Cells in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res 22:2083-95 "