Qiu Nansheng

Department of Geology
China University of Petroleum


Qiu Nansheng, male, Fujian Liancheng County, 1968 Nian 7 Health, Professor, National Outstanding Youth Fund winner, the Ministry of Education, Professor Cheung Kong Scholars. 1989 Nian Huainan Mining Institute (now Anhui University) graduate, 1991 master's degree in coal geology in Beijing Graduate School, China University of Mining and Technology, 1994 Ph.D. in structural geology at the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy. 1998.10 ~ 1999. 4 Visiting scholar at Oklahoma State University in the United States . 1994 Nian 7 months since the China University of Petroleum ( Beijing ) and Research Center for Reservoir Basin engaged in teaching and research work, 2012-2016 served as director of the center. The research direction is the thermodynamics of the sedimentary basin, the basin structure ~ thermal evolution and the hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism. Published in SCI indexed papers 64- Pian ( where the first author of 26 papers, guiding graduate students for the first author of 19 Pian ) , EI included 36 articles, published monographs 3 department. "Geology", " Petroleum Science ", " Petroleum Science " and "Petroleum Science Bulletin" editorial board, China Geological Society of structural geology and geodynamics professional committee vice director, China Geophysical Society geothermal professional committee, Director of Academic Committee of Earth Sciences. Won the Ministry of education of natural science first prize and other provincial and ministerial level first prize 5 , in 2003 won the young geological science and technology award, 2005

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Nansheng Q, Jiyang W. The use of free radicals of organic matter to determine paleogeothermal gradient. Organic Geochemistry. 1998 Jan 30;28(1):77-86.
Nansheng Q, Zhihuan Z, Ershe X. Geothermal regime and Jurassic source rock maturity of the Junggar Basin, northwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2008 Jan 10;31(4):464-78.