Prof. Tamás Németh

Department of Plant Production and Plant Protection
University of Kaposvar

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Németh Tamás ( Szombathely , 1952 . March 7 -) Szechenyi Prize-winning Hungarian agrokémikus, professor, Academy of Sciences ordinary member (MTA). Between 2008 and 2014, Secretary-General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is a renowned researcher of soil nitrogen.In 1971, he started his university studies at the Agricultural University of Keszthely , where he obtained his agricultural diploma in 1976. In 1982 he defended his doctoral dissertation. After obtaining his degree, he became a scientific co-worker of the Heavy Industry Research Institute and in 1977 he was transferred to the Plant Protection and Agrochemistry Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, where he worked as general rapporteur until 1979. At that time, he applied for the transition to the agrochemical group of the Zala County Plant Protection and Agrochemical Station (NAÁ), which became the head of it. Meanwhile, between 1981 and 1982 he took part in farm practice in the United States of America , Oregon . In 1983 he became a member of the Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences . In 1986 he was appointed Head of Unit, in 1991 as Head of Department and Deputy Director of Science, and was appointed Director of the Institute in 1997. In 1992, Pannon University of Agricultural Sciences awarded him a title of undergraduate professorship, and he was appointed head of the Department of Plant Planting at the University. He habilitated in 1998 . In 1989 he defended the Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, and in 1997 his doctoral dissertation. In 1989 he became a member of the HAS Committee for Soil Science and Agrochemistry, and in 1994 he was elected by the MTA General Assembly Representative. In 1995 he was also included in the Environment and Health Committee of the public public body . In 2001 he was elected a correspondent of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and in 2007 he was a regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences . In 2002 he became Vice President of the Department of Agricultural Sciences. In 2008 he was elected Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and was confirmed in 2011 by his post, which he spent in 2014. In addition, he became an external member of the Royal Swedish Agricultural and Forestry Academy in 1998. In addition to his academic positions, between 1993 and 1996 he was Executive Secretary General of the International Fertilizer Science Center, Then he was elected Secretary General of the Center. She has also been included in the editorial committee of Agrochemistry and Soil Science and Agicultural Water Management .

Research Intrest

Soil and Agrochemistry

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture